
California lawmaker legislated with her baby in her arms The images went viral and raised a wave of criticism throughout the country, because the legislator was on leave for childbirth.

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Incuba Media Lab

California Legislator Buffy Wicks, brought her newborn daughter to the senate floor on Monday after her request to vote by proxy was denied, despite her concerns over COVID-19, highlighting the struggle of working mothers during the pandemic.

Assemblywoman Wicks gave birth to her daughter on July 26 and was on maternity leave as the Legislature was wrapping up its work for the year before Monday’s constitutional deadline. But with critical votes pending on the final day, Wicks requested permission on Friday to vote remotely due to the risk posed by COVID-19 if she returned.

Wicks, who represents Berkeley and Oakland in the state assembly, had requested to vote by proxy, but leadership denied her request Wicks. The images with her baby in her arms have created controversy on social networks after it became known that she was denied the option to vote remotely during the discussion of an important housing bill, because she «did not have a greater risk» before the COVID-19.⁠⁠

In July, the Assembly adopted a policy allowing a special voting procedure for its members who were considered high-risk for contracting the virus.

Assembly members were told they could authorize a legislative leader to cast proxy votes on their behalf, a decision made after two members of the lower house tested positive for the virus over the summer. But Wicks’ request was denied by Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon because maternity leave was not considered a high-risk category, a decision that drew sharp rebukes on social media and from fellow Democrats.

Later, Rendon issued an apology Tuesday night.⁠ “My intention was never to be inconsiderate of her, her role as a legislator or her role as a mother”, Rendon said and added “The inclusion and election of more women in politics are central to our Democratic values”.

Other lawmakers criticized the decision to make Wicks go “It’s almost barbaric that people are so clueless or unwilling to adapt” state Senator Hannah-Beth Jackson said Tuesday.

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and 2016 Democratic presidential nominee tweeted about the incident Tuesday.

California Assemblymember @buffywicks was told that having recently given birth wasn’t sufficient excuse to cast a vote remotely,” Clinton said in a tweet. “So she brought her newborn daughter to the floor to weigh in on an important housing bill”.

Wicks said in a statement that he appreciated Rendon’s apology and looks forward to working with him “to create policies that meet the needs of working parents”.⁠

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