
Indiana Univ. researchers find fabric that kills coronavirus Cloth with an electric field kills coronaviruses, and their discovery could revolutionize the future of personal protective equipment.

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Incuba Media Lab

Dr. Chandan K. Sen, Director of the Indiana Center for Medicine and Regenerative Engineering  (ICRME) at Indiana University School of Medicine in Indianapolis, presented with his team of researchers in a study published May 15 in ChemRxiv, on fabric that suffocates coronaviruses in less than a minute.

This fabric, which was discovered earlier this year by that team of researchers, led by Dr. Sen, was used to neutralize the coronavirus, thanks to the fact that its ‘electroceuticals’ fabric inhibits the electrostatic forces of the virus and its ability to infect.

Scientists pointed out that viruses generally adhere to human organs through electrostatic interaction, and in order to successfully enter the body, their structure must remain stable. Upon contact with the fabric discovered by the researchers, this structure is destroyed, due to the interruption of the electrostatic forces required by the virus.

Dr. Sen explained that the term ‘electroceuticals’ refers to the possibility of treating conditions with electricity. «COVID-19 is highly infectious, especially for healthcare workers; they are constantly exposed to people who have this infection, and although they wear masks, for example, some of these viruses adhere to the outside of them and when they are removed the masks inadvertently end up spreading the infection«. He also added: «So our challenge here is, once this virus comes into contact with the mask fabric, it can no longer infect it anymore«.

The team has been studying the fabric’s mechanism of action for the past six years. Scientists commented that low-level electric field-generating fabric is currently used «as an antimicrobial dressing for wound care of various kinds«.

«The immediate goal with the data findings is to receive approval from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) Emergency Use Authorization program to use the tissue specifically for face masks in the fight against COVID-19«.

It should be noted that the Dr. Sen is President of J. Stanley Battersby and Professor of Surgery, and Director of the Indiana Center for Medicine and Regenerative Engineering (ICRME). At Indiana University (IU), he serves as Associate Vice President of Research. At the Indiana Center (IU) School of Medicine, he works as Associate Dean of Research. At Indiana University Health, Dr. Sen is the Executive Director of the Comprehensive Wound Center. Dr. Sen is recognized as a Lilly INCITE scholar.

This is undoubtedly good news, because now that the number of coronavirus infections in the world has exceeded 5 million people, the masks and other protectors made with this fabric have encouraging potential for the future in a society that must live with the coronavirus or some other contagious virus that we face later.

For more updated information and how to protect yourself from the spread of COVID-19, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), we invite you to follow the following link: https://www.who.int/emergencies/diseases/novel-coronavirus-2019. If you need to travel, you can get more information and tips for traveling at the following Link: https://www.who.int/ith/en/.

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